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GTI Program Adds New Sectors And Triples Available Places For 2021


GTI Program Adds New Sectors And Triples Available Places For 2021

The GTI Program has as of 20th of January 2021 added 3 new sectors bringing the total number of target sectors to 10, they have also increased the number of available places from 5,000 in the 19/20 intake to 15,000 for the 20/21 intake beginning in October 2020.

This offers a golden opportunity for those of you that are highly skilled and working in one of the targeted sectors as this visa offers automatic permanent residence so you can live, work, study and be a sponsor to bring your family with you.

There are not many opportunities to be able to migrate and work in Australia, which is a highly sought destination for migration, in the current COVID-19 pandemic and border closures. Therefore this is one of few pathways available right now, the visa process is fast-tracked for this stream and may only take 2 weeks!

Global Talent Independant Program

The GTI Program or Global Talent Independant Program is a permanent migration scheme initiated by the government of Australia in an attempt to attract highly skilled professionals from all over the world to work in targeted sectors which are thought to be important for future economic growth. 

The program incorporated the subclass 858 and 124 distinguished talent visas however to simplify the process the department made all applications go through the subclass 858 making both an onshore and offshore application possible.

To be eligible for the GTI program you must have an internationally recognised record of exceptional and outstanding achievement and be nominated by an employer in one the targeted sectors. You are expected to have Phd or be completing one in the next 6 months or be able to attract a salary equivalent to the Fair Work High Income Threshold (FWHIT), currently AUD $153,600.

The cost of the visa for the main applicant is $4,110 and $2,055 for each dependent over 18 and $1,030 for each dependent under 18.

To check your eligibility for the Global Talent Independent Program click here.

GTI Program

New Sectors Added to The Global Talent Independent Program

Previous Targeted Sectors List Targeted Sectors List as of 17/12/20
Quantum Information, Advanced Digital, Data Science and ICT Resources
MedTech Agri-food and Agtech
Energy and Mining Technology Energy
AgTech Health Industries
Space and Advanced Manufacturing Defence, Advanced Manufacturing and Space
FinTech Circular Economy
Cybersecurity Digitech
Infrastructure and Tourism
Financial Services and Fintech
Previous Targeted Sectors List Targeted Sectors List as of 17/12/20
Quantum Information, Advanced Digital, Data Science and ICT Resources
MedTech Agri-food and Agtech
Energy and Mining Technology Energy
AgTech Health Industries
Space and Advanced Manufacturing Defence, Advanced Manufacturing and Space
FinTech Circular Economy
Cybersecurity Digitech
Infrastructure and Tourism
Financial Services and Fintech

The new key sectors added to the GTI program were included in the new direction 89 of the subclass 858 visa released by the department expanded and broadened the scope of the 7 existing sectors such as medtech opening into all health industries or cybersecurity becoming digitech.

The 3 new additions to the new additions to the list are infrastructure and tourism, education and circular economy which is an industry focused on making the economy and means of production more renewable and concentrating on producing less waste.

It is still unclear however the details regarding these new sectors including the skill sets which they are looking for. There should be more information released in the coming weeks clarifying and adding more detailed information regarding some of the changes made in direction 89.

New Places Added For The Global Talent Independent Program

During the first year of the GTI program in 2019/20 there were only 5,000 places available in the intake however for the 2020/21 financial year the amount of available spaces has been tripled to 15,000. This mostly likely due to the increased need to create opportunity in Australia after the economic hardship brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic.

These allotted spaces do include spaces for dependents such as spouses and children but there is still much more opportunity to obtain one of the most valuable visas to migrate to Australia at this time.

Do Not Wait! Check your eligibility for the GTI Program, book a consultation now!

Why Is The Global Talent Independent Visa One Of The Best Visa To Get Right Now?

As of now the Global Talent Independant Visa is the fastest easy to obtain permanent residence in Australia as it is given as soon as the visa is granted or you have arrived in Australia once you get the visa. It has been put under the Minister’s directive for priority processing meaning processing time can be as little as weeks instead of months.

It also does not hold some of the requirements or other skilled migration or work visas such as english language requirements, skills assessments or mandatory work experience.

The program as of now will only last until 30th of June 2021 and with limited space available it is best you seize this chance now and get in touch with a registered migration agent such as us to assess your eligibility to start your migration journey to Australia.

Still Not Sure How This Can Affect You? Speak To Us; We Are Here To Help!

We understand that applying for a visa to Australia is certainly very complicated. It is even more challenging during the COVID-19 Pandemic especially with new temporary visa cancellations in place. Our visa specialists at ONEderland Consulting will help you assess your visa options. We have a 98% success rate and one of the most highly recommended migration agents in Australia. Read our 4.9* score customer reviews.

We are complex visa specialists. As registered Australian migration agents with the Migration Agents Registration Authority (MARA), we are regulated in our professional practice and bound by the profession’s Code of Conduct issued by the Migration Agents Registration Authority.

Take the first step and get in touch with us. Our migration agents are professional, honest and speak various languages such as Mandarin/ Chinese, Bahasa Indonesia, Arabic, Japanese, Polish, German and Russian.

Contact us through email at [email protected] or via phone on 1300 827 159. Alternatively, you may book your consultation online and it is 100% refundable if you become our client.

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