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New WA State Nomination Program for International Student


Western Australia to Extend PR Pathway for International VET Students 

Soon Western Australia’s State Nomination Migration Program (SNMP) Graduate stream will be more accessible for international students who have successfully completed their studies in Perth Western Australia. 

On the 16th of October Premier Mark McGowan declared that soon there will be an extension for the Graduate Stream of the SNMP. This program’s extension means that beginning from the end of this year, vocational education and training (VET) graduates who have had complete a qualification in Perth Western Australia at Certificate III or above will be included in the WA State Nomination Program ( SNMP). Prior to the amendments, the Australia Graduate Visa  stream is only open to higher degree graduates, from bachelor degree and higher. 

What it means is for International Students  when previously the Graduate Visa stream was only accessible to eligible students were the ones who had studied 2 years in Perth Western Australian University.  

From December 2019 Vocational Education and Training (VET) International Student graduates who complete an eligible qualification in Western Australia at Certificate III level or above.  VET International Student Graduates would still need to have a successful full skill assessment outcome from the relevant assessing authority to be able to lodge an Expression of Interest.  It remains to be seen if the WA government will also loosen the English proficiency. However, this seems unlikely relax the english proficiency requirements at this stage.   

In addition to lowering the Western Australia studies requirements to VET graduates, the WA  state government also reduced Graduate stream state requirements for applicant’s Work experience and Job Offer.  With the existing requirements, WA graduates must have both 12-month worth Australian work experience in nominated or closely related occupation and 12-month contract of employment in a nominated or closely related occupation. 

As of December 2019 with the new State Nomination Migration Program (SNMP) changes set in, only one is of this is required, either a 6-months Australian work experience in the applicants nominated an occupation on the Graduate Occupation List, or a 6-month contract of employment in the applicants nominated occupation.  

This new visa change under the State Nomination Migration Program (SNMP) will have its first try in December 2019 and it will start with adding VET graduates.

To keep up with revisions, a new Graduate Occupation list and updated eligibility criteria for the WA graduate stream will be available from December 2019.

Watch this space for more updates on WA State Nomination Migration Program (SNMP) Graduate stream! 

If you have any questions about the State Nomination Migration Program (SNMP) process, you may want to consider booking a consultation with our Senior Migration Agent, Mrs. Indah Melindasari by contacting ONE derland Consulting.

Indah Melindasari as our principal migration agent is an expert in dealing with similar cases. Indah is also registered with the Australian Migration Agents Registration Authority (MARA) with registration number 0961448. We are regulated in our professional practice and are bound by the profession’s Code of Conduct issued by the Migration Agents Registration Authority.

We understand that applying for a visa to Australia could get very complex, and sometimes a good strategy is what you need to plan your future in Australia. Indah Melindasari and the team at ONE derland Consulting will help you to understand what you have to do and provide the best options for applying for your visa.

ONE derland consulting will take the time and compile all documents needed and guarantee that your application is 100% ready before submitting, ensuring a positive outcome for your visa application.

Get in touch through email to [email protected] or via phone to 08 9477 5831 (Perth), 02 9188 2065 (Sydney) & 03 9088 4114 (Melbourne). Talk to our experienced team member on any queries you may have.

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Indah Melindasari MARN 0961 448

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