Northern Territory State Nomination Update: Reopening of Program for Offshore Candidates
The latest update on the Northern Territory state nomination shows that the program for offshore candidates reopens on 14 August 2024. However, the program reopening is only for the NT Family and Job Offer streams. Meanwhile, the Priority Occupation stream will remain closed. These updates indeed affect your plan for a 190 Visa or 491 Visa application for the Northern Territory. We have summarised the updates and what you must do while waiting for your Northern Territory 190 Visa or 491 Visa nomination.
Northern Territory State Nomination Allocation in 2024
The allocation for Northern Territory state nomination in 2024 are:
- 800 places for 190 Visa
- 800 places for 491 Visa
The detailed state nomination allocation for the Australian state nomination program is here.
Northern Territory State Nomination Update as of 12 August 2024
On 12 August 2024, the Northern Territory government announced the following regarding its nomination program for both 190 Visa and 491 Visa:
- The offshore NT nomination program reopens on 14 August 2024 for the NT Family and Job Offer streams.
- The offshore NT nomination program under the Priority Occupation stream will remain closed.
- The NT government will continue assessing the existing offshore nomination application under the Priority Occupation stream. However, due to the many applications received, please expect a delay in the process.
- The NT government also emphasises that they cannot guarantee approval for nomination before your visa expires. So, suppose you’re currently onshore, and your visa expires soon. In that case, you are advised to seek professional advice to extend your visa.
Read more: Skilled Migration Visa Australia: Instant Australian PR!
About Northern Territory State Nomination Program
The NT government will determine whether to nominate you.
A condition of the NT nomination program is that you commit to work, live, and settle in the NT for at least three years after your visa is issued.
The NT government will assess your job prospects in the NT and whether they suit the needs of NT industries when deciding whether to nominate you.
A nomination from the Northern Territory government does not guarantee a job. Occupations on the NT migration occupation list are not job openings.
Once you arrive and settle in the Northern Territory, you will be responsible for arranging your employment and lodging. The NT government can offer information and help to nominated skilled migrants.
By applying for the Northern Territory nomination program, you have to acknowledge that:
- This program only accepts nominations for the Northern Territory and does not provide employment, accommodation, or financial assistance.
- The NT government is not responsible for any inaccuracies or omissions in the information provided, nor are its employees.
- The NT government also does not issue release letters for transfers to other states or territories.
The NT government assesses your commitment to the NT through the following factors:
- Length of residency in the Northern Territory,
- Prior travels to the Northern Territory,
- Family connections to the Northern Territory.
Requirements for Northern Territory State Nomination
The key requirements for Northern Territory state nomination are:
- be under 45 years old at the time of nomination.
- have a positive skills assessment from a relevant skills assessment authority for your nominated occupation.
- have at least a Competent level of English proficiency (unless advised otherwise by assessing / licensing or registration body or on the NT migration occupation list).
- meet the minimum skilled migration point test of 65.
- must be on the Australian Government’s skilled occupation list or the NTOMOL (specifically for offshore candidates).
There are additional requirements for onshore applicants, which are:
- suppose you or any of your migrating dependents are currently living interstate. In that case, you will not be eligible for the Northern Territory nomination program.
- suppose you or any of your migrating dependents are currently on a student visa and have yet to finish studies at an NT institution. In that case, you will not be eligible for NT nomination.
- suppose the Northern Territory government has nominated you for a subclass 489 or 491 visa. In that case, you are not eligible for a subclass 190 nomination.
Meanwhile, offshore candidates must meet the additional criteria too, including:
- having post-qualification work experience of at least two years in your nominated occupation in the last five years.
- demonstrate a real commitment to living and working in the Northern Territory long-term.
- declare financial capacity to settle in the Northern Territory and meet criteria for one of the three streams explained below.
Also, offshore applicants will often be nominated exclusively for a subclass 491 Visa.
About Offshore Nomination Stream
The three offshore NT nomination streams are:
1. Priority occupation stream
Offshore applicants for this stream must:
- Complete a thorough migration skills assessment in an occupation listed on the Northern Territory Offshore Migration Occupations List (NTOMOL).
- Meet any additional work experience requirements for the occupation listed on the NTOMOL.
2. NT family stream
Offshore applicants for this stream must:
- Have a family member in the NT who is an Australian citizen, Australian permanent resident, an eligible New Zealand citizen, or hold one of the following visas:
- Subclass 491 Visa,
- Subclass 494 Visa,
- Subclass 489 Visa,
- Bridging Visa granted in association with 887 Visa or 191 Visa application.
- The family member must have been residing in the NT for at least 12 months.
- The family member must be the applicant’s or the partner’s eligible relative* (if the partner is also applying for the same visa).
- The family member states in a statutory declaration that they can give settlement assistance to the applicant and migrating dependents, including aid in locating accommodation and jobs in the NT.
- The applicant has evidence of sustained efforts to seek employment in the NT, including research into the NT labour market and consistent records of applying for positions in the NT or making contact with NT businesses.
*The eligible relative must be a parent, child (biological/step), siblings (biological/adoptive/step), aunt/uncle (biological/adoptive/step), nephew/niece (biological/adoptive/step), first cousin, or grandparent.
3. NT job offer stream
Offshore applicants under this stream must have a valid job offer in their nominated occupation for a position based in the NT with an NT business or organisation that has been actively operating in the NT for at least 12 months.
Read more: Skilled Jobs in Demand Australia – Updated List 2024
Commitment and Financial Capacity to Settle in the NT
1. Commitment to the NT
Accepting a nomination from the NT government means you agree to the following conditions:
- To stay and work in the NT in your skilled occupation for at least three years from the visa grant.
- Keep the NT government updated on the status of your visa application.
- Provide regular contact information to the NT government.
- Participate in NT government surveys.
Suppose the NT government offers you a nomination. In that case, you will receive a declaration form outlining your obligations, which you must acknowledge, sign and return.
2. Financial Capacity to Settle in the NT
As you know, moving to a new place can be expensive. Research the cost of living in the NT is advised. The table below provides information on the level of financial resources that you may require based on your family composition:
Family Composition | Minimum value of net assets |
Individual applicant | AUD 35,000 |
Applicant and spouse | AUD 50,000 |
Applicant and spouse plus one child | AUD 60,000 |
Applicant and spouse plus two children | AUD 65,000 |
Northern Territory State Nomination Application Process
The application process for Northern Territory State nomination consists of the following steps:
- Check your eligibility against the Department of Home Affairs requirements for 190 Visa and 491 Visa (such as age, English level, skills assessment, and migration point tests).
- Assess your eligibility for the NT nomination.
- Submit an Expression of Interest in SkillSelect.
- Apply for NT state nomination through the online application system.
- Collect all required documents. You may check it here.
- You will receive a SkillSelect invitation to apply for a visa if you’re successfully nominated.
- Return to the Department of Home Affairs official website and apply for your visa using your IMMIAccount.
- The Department of Home Affairs will notify you of your visa application decision. If your visa is granted, you must fulfil your long-term commitments to living and working in the NT.
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Northern Territory Skilled Occupation List
Suppose you’re an onshore or currently offshore candidate and wish to be nominated for the 190 Visa or 491 Visa under the Northern Territory family stream or job offer stream. In that case, you must check whether your nominated occupation is on the Australian government’s Skilled Occupation List.
Meanwhile, suppose you’re an offshore candidate and wish to be nominated under the priority occupation stream. In that case, you must ensure your nominated occupation is on the Northern Territory Offshore Migration Occupation List, which you can find here.
What does it mean to you?
It’s time to start the process for the Northern Territory state nomination! Though the Priority Occupation stream under the Northern Territory nomination is closed, you can still access the NT Family Stream and Job Offer Stream, especially if you’re aiming for the 190 Visa!
The availability of these streams also shows the NT government’s commitment to reaching your dream of migrating to the NT.
Remember, timely and precise information is essential for a successful migration journey.
ONEderland Consulting is committed to providing you with the most recent updates and expert advice. If you wish to be nominated for this year’s Tasmanian Skilled Migration program, we are here to help you.
ONE derland Consulting is ready to assist you in Migrating to the Northern Territory!
Our visa specialists at ONEderland Consulting will assist you with the Northern Territory state nomination program, whether you’re aiming for the 190 Visa or 491 Visa. We have a 98% success rate and are one of Australia’s most highly recommended migration agents. Read our 4.9* score customer reviews.
We are complex visa specialists. As registered Australian migration agents with the Migration Agents Registration Authority (MARA), we are regulated in our professional practice and bound by the profession’s Code of Conduct issued by the MARA.
Take the first step and get in touch with us. Our team members are professional and honest and speak various languages, such as Mandarin/ Chinese, Bahasa Indonesia, Arabic, Japanese, and Thai. Contact us through email at [email protected] or via phone at 1300 827 159. Alternatively, you may book your consultation online, and it is backed by our 100% Money Back Guarantee Program.