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Opportunities For A Visa To Work In Australia In 2021


Opportunities For A Visa To Work In Australia In 2021

Is a visa to work in Australia even possible in 2021? Well, the answer to this may surprise you. One of the biggest challenges for Australia going forward will be minimising the damage done to economic growth after the COVID-19 pandemic.

Globally the Pandemic has led to job loss and economic hardship for many however this may be on the bright side an opportunity for many of you out there to use your skills to be able to better your own situation but also provide relief for the Australian economy. 

In these times it has become very difficult to gain access to Australia however workers in certain industries have become crucial and there are exemptions being made to be able to enter Australia under these criteria.

If you have some of the skills that Australia needs and you yourself are finding it hard to gain employment in your own country then this may be your opportunity to make lemonade out of the lemons life has given you.

Who Is Allowed To Enter Australia At The Moment, Under What Circumstances?

In this current situation, there are not many options of being able to enter Australia at the moment, however, a visa to work in Australia is actually one of the limited options available. As it stands exemptions are required to enter Australia and those allowed to enter are either automatically exempt or possibly allowed in but need to apply for an exemption.

You are automatically exempt from the travel restrictions and can enter Australia (without obtaining an individual exemption) if you are:

  • An Australian citizen;
  • A permanent resident of Australia;
  • An immediate family member of an Australian citizen or permanent resident;
  • A New Zealand citizen usually resident in Australia and their immediate family members;
  • A person who has been in New Zealand for 14 days or more immediately prior to arrival by air in Australia;
  • A diplomat accredited to Australia, including their immediate family members (each member of the family unit must hold a valid subclass 995 visa);
  • A person transiting Australia for 72 hours or less;
  • Airline crew, a maritime crew including marine pilots;
  • A person recruited under the Government approved Seasonal Worker Program or Pacific Labour Scheme;
  • A person who holds a Business Innovation and Investment (subclass 188) visa.

Those that may be eligible for individual exemptions are those that fall under the following circumstances:

  • Traveling at the invitation of the Australian Government or a state or territory government authority for the purpose of assisting in the COVID-19 response;
  • Providing critical or specialist medical services, including air ambulance, medical evacuations, and delivering critical medical supplies;
  • With critical skills required to maintain the supply of essential goods and services (such as in medical technology, critical infrastructure, telecommunications, engineering and mining, supply chain logistics, aged care, agriculture, primary industry, food production, and the maritime industry);
  • Delivering services in sectors critical to Australia’s economic recovery (such as financial technology, large scale manufacturing, film, media and television production, and emerging technology), where no Australian worker is available;
  • Providing critical skills in religious or theology fields;
  • Sponsored by your employer to work in Australia in an occupation on the Priority Migration Skilled Occupation List (PMSOL);
  • Whose entry would otherwise be in Australia’s national interest, supported by the Australian Government or a state or territory government authority.

Visa to work in Australia

What Jobs Are In Demand That Can Get Me A Visa To Work In Australia in 2021?

Given the pandemic situation, the most in-demand and critically needed occupations fall under medical services, meaning if you are trained in the medical services this moment in time is the best opportunity you might have to be able to migrate to Australia.

As with most countries in the world Australian health care services are under a massive strain dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic and medical professionals are high priority for gaining work visas to come assist in the fight against the virus.

There are however several other industries that are in need of skilled workers through which a visa to work in Australia can be obtained. The IT sector is one area in need of foreign talent to bolster the workforce, particularly Software engineers and developer programmers as specified in the PMSOL list.

One industry not as obvious that the government has looked towards to aid economic recovery is the film and television industry. The government in July set $400 million to aid the industry to attract international productions to Australia as the industry has stalled around the world. As PM Morrison himself stated:

Behind these projects are thousands of workers that build and light the stages, that feed, house and cater for the huge cast and crew and that bring the productions to life. This is backing thousands of Australians who make their living working in front of the camera and behind the scenes in the creative economy.

So for those of you working in the Film and Television industry that have been unable to find work in your home countries this could be a golden opportunity to get a visa to work in Australia.

The construction sector has also not been halted as a result of the pandemic and certain government programs have been put in place to ensure there are continuing projects to keep the industry going strong. As a result Construction project managers and mechanical engineers are in demand.

Other Business Options For Getting A Visa To Work In Australia

Australia will need significant investment and business activity to be able to get the economy back on track after the adverse effects on growth brought on by the pandemic. With this in mind one of the only visas that has an automatic exemption to enter Australia is the Business and Innovation subclass (188).

This visa allows you to operate a new or existing business in Australia, bring members of your family with you, and even offers a pathway towards permanent residence. This new business will provide tax money to help aid the faltering economy and at the same time provide much needed work opportunities for the local populations.

If you are an aspiring entrepreneur with a solid business plan that has dreamt of living and running your own company in Australia then the 188 visa may be the chance you’ve been waiting for to get a visa to work in Australia.

Are You Wondering About Your Chance To Work In Australia In 2021?

We understand that applying for a visa to Australia is undoubtedly very complex. It is even more challenging during the COVID-19 Pandemic. 

Our visa specialists at ONE derland Consulting will help you assess your visa options. We have a 98% success rate and one of the most highly recommended migration agents in Australia. Read our 4.9* score customer reviews.

We are complex visa specialists. As a registered Australian migration agent with the Migration Agents Registration Authority (MARA), we are regulated in our professional practice and bound by the profession’s Code of Conduct issued by the Migration Agents Registration Authority.

Take the first step and get in touch with us. Our migration agents are professional, honest and speak various languages such as Mandarin/ Chinese, Bahasa Indonesia, Arabic, Japanese, Polish, German and Russian.

Contact us through email at [email protected] or via phone on 1300 827 159. Alternatively, you may book your consultation online and it is 100% refundable if you become our client.

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Maria Helen De Guzman

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Indah Melindasari MARN 0961 448

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Lead Migration Agent - MARN 0961 448

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