New Concessions Make Parent Visa Applications Easier
Parent visa applications for Australia have been a concern for many residents and citizens. Whether you are worried about being able to keep your parents in Australia or maybe you’ve been separated from your parents during the border closures and want to bring them to Australia, is something that many people are wondering.
The latest amendments regarding Parent Visas for Australia pertaining to the location of the applicant when the visa is granted had been previously announced, which states that Parent Visas for Australia where the applicant would have to be offshore to be granted the visa would now be able to be granted their visas onshore. Those changes have now been implemented along with changes in regards to offshore applications as well.
So what are the changes for the parent visa for Australia? And how do they help you keep your parents with you?
Concessions For Parent Visa for Australia
The new regulations which commenced March 24th state that the grant of Subclass 103 (Parent), Subclass 143 (Contributory Parent), and Subclass 173 (Contributory Parent (Temporary)) visas to applicants who are usually required to be outside Australia when the visa is granted but are in Australia during the COVID-19 pandemic under certain circumstances can now be granted the visa onshore.
These visas usually require the applicant to be offshore at the time of the grant but given the current pandemic situation and border closure it was decided that it would not be right to put these people at risk or possibly separate them indefinitely from their families.
Read more: COVID-19 Travel Exemption For Parents as Immediate Family Members
In regards to those unable to return to Australia, the new regulations say Applicants who applied for a Subclass 804 (Aged Parent (Permanent) visa) or Subclass 864 (Contributory Aged Parent (Permanent)) visa in Australia and who have since departed Australia may have difficulties in returning to Australia to be granted their visa due to COVID-19 related restrictions and practical difficulties involved with international travel during the pandemic.
These specific changes were only announced recently and is great news for those that want to bring their parents to live with them in Australia and it was stated by the government that it was in the interest of the families especially grandchildren to be able to have their grandparents near them.
Who is Eligible for these Parent Visa Concessions?
The concessions regarding the parent visa for Australia are applicable to any applicants.
Specifically, the amendments will enable applicants for visa subclasses 103, 143 and 173 to be granted a visa when the applicant is in Australia and the applicants for visa subclasses 804 and 864 to be granted a visa when the applicant is outside Australia if: the application for the visa was made before 24 March 2021; and the visa is granted on or after 24 March 2021 but before the end of the concession period. There has been no official end date for the concession period announced.
Read more: COVID-19 Concession for Family and General Skilled Migration Visa 2021
What do these mean for you?
For all of you that have been worried about your elderly parents that are currently overseas now can have the opportunity to bring them to Australia even if they are offshore which should provide such relief to any of you out there.
With the border closure and the health crisis it is understandable that you have been worried about elderly parents that may be back in your home country or just apart from you in Australia. Given Australia’s efficiency dealing with the pandemic it seems like the ideal country to bring your parents right now. Before these changes, Parent visas for Australia didn’t seem like a possible option.
The same can be said for those of you that were worried that your elderly parents already in Australia would have to leave Australia to get their parent visas for Australia granted. This would’ve meant leaving the country at a time when travel would give them more exposure to Covid-19 and the possibility of them being able to re-enter Australia was not certain.
Overall, it means the best possibility since the Pandemic began of getting a parent visa for Australia!
If you wish to check your eligibility, please contact us via email at [email protected] or via phone on 1300 827 159.
Still not sure how it will affect you? Speak to us! We are here to help!
We understand that applying for a visa to Australia is certainly very complicated. It is even more challenging during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Our visa specialists at ONEderland Consulting will help you assess your visa options. We have a 98% success rate and one of the most highly recommended migration agents in Australia. Read our 4.9* score customer reviews.
We are complex visa specialists. As registered Australian migration agents with the Migration Agents Registration Authority (MARA), we are regulated in our professional practice and bound by the profession’s Code of Conduct issued by the Migration Agents Registration Authority.
Take the first step and get in touch with us. Our team members are professional, honest and speak various languages such as Mandarin/ Chinese, Bahasa Indonesia, Arabic, Japanese, Polish, German and Russian. Contact us through email at [email protected] or via phone at 1300 827 159. Alternatively, you may book your consultation online, and it is 100% refundable if you become our client.