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Travel Bubble Between Singapore and Australia will Commence on 21 November 2021


Travel Bubble Between Singapore and Australia will Commence on 21 November 2021

The Australian and Singaporean Governments have finally decided when the Singapore and Australia travel bubble will commence. According to the Media Release of the Australian Prime Minister on 01 November 2021, Australia will welcome back fully vaccinated Singaporean citizens in November as part of the Government’s safe steps towards reopening the country to the world.

The Singapore and Australia travel bubble will be a quarantine-free travel arrangement, and the Government stated the arrangements would commence on 21 November 2021.

Find the details below.

Development of Singapore and Australia Travel Bubble

The Singapore and Australia travel bubble has been a hot topic since the Australian Federal Government announced the plan around March 2021. The Australian Federal Government has put the Singapore and Australia travel bubble as a priority since the Trans-Tasman travel bubble, a travel bubble between Australia and New Zealand.

The Australian Federal Government also announced that they planned to open some travel bubbles with Asian-Pacific Countries before Christmas 2021. One of the travel bubble plans has come true: a Singapore and Australia travel bubble.

Read more: New Face For Australia International Border: DPD (Digital Passenger Declaration) Will Come In Effect

Singapore and Australia travel bubble

Travel Requirements under Singapore and Australia Travel Bubble

The Singapore and Australian Government agreed to put some requirements for Singapore citizens who wish to travel to Australia under the Singapore and Australia travel bubble:

  • Singapore citizens must depart from Singapore;
  • No need to have spent 14 days in Singapore before the travel;
  • No quarantine required upon arrival in Australia (with participating jurisdictions);
  • Arrangements will come into effect on 21 November 2021 with participating jurisdictions, including New South Wales, Victoria and the Australian Capital Territory.

To be considered for travel with quarantine-free and travel exemption-free, Singapore citizens must be:

  • Hold a valid Australian visa;
  • Fully vaccinated with the vaccination approved and recognized vaccines;
  • Depart from Singapore and arrive in a participating Australian state or territory (mentioned above);
  • Provide proof of vaccination status;
  • Present a negative Covid-19 PCR test taken within three days of departure.

The eligible Singapore citizens will also need to complete an Australian Travel Declaration (ATD) at least 72 hours before departure. Be noted that the arrangements only apply to Singapore citizens.

Read more: Parents are now recognized as Immediate Family Members for Travel Exemption Australia

Singapore’s Vaccinated Travel Lane

There’s also an arrangement for Australian citizens or Permanent Residents who wish to travel to Singapore under the Singapore and Australia travel bubble, called Vaccinated Travel Lane. It is an arrangement with individual countries to allow fully-vaccinated travellers access quarantine-free travel. To be eligible for the Vaccinated Travel Lane, you must:

  • Have spent the last 14 days in VTL-approved countries only;
  • Be fully vaccinated with two shots of a WHO-approved vaccine;
  • Have the second dose completed at least 14 days before entry in Singapore;
  • Provide a vaccination certificate issued by VTL country and stated in English;
  • Take out travel insurance with at least SGD 30,000 coverage for Covid illness;
  • Apply for a Singapore Vaccinated Travel Pass up to seven days before arrival. It applies from 01 November 2021 for travel; from Australia, for flights arriving on 08 November 2021;
  • Download and use the Singapore TraceTogether app, and keep it for 21 days after leaving;
  • Take a pre-departure Covid-19 PCR test within 28 hours of flight departure;
  • If you’re exiting Singapore Changi Airport (not transiting), book and take an on-arrival PCR test at Changi airport;
  • Isolate at your hotel until the on-arrival test comes up negative (usually within 12 hours).

travel to Singapore from Australia

Below are some VTL flights from Australia to Singapore you may consider:

Melbourne to Singapore VTL Flights

  • Singapore Airlines SQ218 (Airbus A350-900)
  • Singapore Airlines SQ228 (Airbus A350-900)
  • Scoot TR19 (Boeing 787)
  • All Qantas Flights

Sydney to Singapore VTL Flights

  • Singapore Airlines SQ212 (Airbus A350-900, then Boeing 777-300 ER from 2 December)
  • Singapore Airlines SQ222 (Boeing 777-300ER, then Airbus A380 from 1 December)
  • Scoot TR13 (Boeing 787)
  • All Qantas flights

Read more: UPDATE: New Arrangements for Onshore and Offshore Visitor (Class FA) Visa Application

What does it mean to you?

It means you can reunite with your loved ones in Singapore or Australia very soon!

Being apart for around two years must be difficult for you, but now all of your struggles have been paid off with the Singapore and Australia travel bubble. Starting from 21 November 2021, you can invite your loved ones who have been fully vaccinated to Australia and celebrate Christmas together.

The Australian Federal Government also mentioned the return of flights between Singapore and Australia would present excellent chances to move forward as we continue our shared regional recovery from the pandemic.

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Get Your Australian Visa Now!

If you wish to travel to Australia under the Singapore and Australian travel bubble, it’s best to get your Australian visa now!

We fully understand that applying for a visa to Australia is certainly very complicated. It is even more challenging during the COVID-19 pandemic. Our visa specialists at ONEderland Consulting will help you assess your visa options. We have a 98% success rate and are one of Australia’s most highly recommended migration agents. Read our 4.9* score customer reviews.

We are complex visa specialists. As registered Australian migration agents with the Migration Agents Registration Authority (MARA), we are regulated in our professional practice and bound by the profession’s Code of Conduct issued by the Migration Agents Registration Authority.

Take the first step and get in touch with us. Our team members are professional, honest and speak various languages such as Mandarin/ Chinese, Bahasa Indonesia, Arabic, Japanese, and Thai. Contact us through email at [email protected] or via phone on 1300 827 159. Alternatively, you may book your consultation online, and it is backed by our 100% Money Back Guarantee Program.

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