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Updated Specified Work and Areas for Working Holiday Visa (subclass 417) in Place


Updated Specified Work and Areas for Working Holiday Visa (subclass 417) in Place

On 6 March 2022, the Australian government updated the specified works and areas for Visa subclass 417. If the Visa subclass 417 holders have work experience in the updated specified works and areas, it may be counted for the second and third Visa subclass 417 application.

What are the updated specified works and areas for Visa subclass 417?

Specified Works and Areas for Visa subclass 417

The Australian government uses four terms to define the specified areas for Visa subclass 417, namely:

  • Bushfire affected area
  • Northern Australia
  • Regional Australia
  • Remote and Very Remote Australia

Meanwhile, the approved specified work for Visa subclass 417 holders in the specified areas are:

  1. Tourism and hospitality in Northern or Remote and Very Remote Australia
  2. Plant and animal cultivation in Regional Australia
  3. Fishing and pearling in Regional Australia
  4. Tree farming and felling in Regional Australia
  5. Mining in Regional Australia
  6. Construction in Regional Australia
  7. Bushfire recovery work in declared bushfire affected areas only
  8. Critical Covid-19 work in the healthcare and medical sectors anywhere in Australia

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Updated Specified Works and Areas for Visa subclass 417

According to the new instrument about the specified works and areas for Visa subclass 417, the approved specified works and areas are:

Construction work and mining work in Regional Australia

1. Fishing and pearling work, plant and animal cultivation work, tree farming and felling work, construction work and mining work in Regional Australia

No Industry Kind of works
1 Fishing and pearling
  • Conducting operations related directly to taking or catching fish and other aquatic species;
  • Conducting operations related directly to taking or culturing pearls or pearl shell
2 Plant and animal cultivation
  • Harvesting and/or packing of fruit and vegetable crops;
  • Pruning or trimming vines and trees associated directly with the cultivation and commercial sale or plant produce;
  • General maintenance crop work;
  • Cultivating or propagating plants, fungi or their products or parts;
  • Immediate processing of plant products;
  • Maintaining animals for the purposes of selling them or their bodily produce, including natural increase;
  • Immediate processing of animal products including shearing, butchery, packing and tanning, but not including secondary processing;
  • Manufacturing dairy produce from raw material.
3 Tree farming and felling
  • Planting or tending trees in a plantation or forest that are intended to be felled;
  • Felling trees in a plantation or forest;
  • Transporting trees or parts of trees that were felled in a plantation or forest to the place where they are first to be milled or processed, or any other place from which they are to be transported to the place where they are to be milled or processed
4 Construction
  • Building construction;
  • Heavy and civil engineering construction;
  • Land development and site preparation services;
  • Building structure services;
  • Building installation services;
  • Building completion services.
5 Mining
  • Coal mining;
  • Oil and gas extraction;
  • Metal ore mining;
  • Construction material mining;
  • Other non-metallic mineral mining and quarrying;
  • Exploration;
  • Mining support services.

Tourism and hospitality work in Northern Australia and Remote and Very Remote Australia

2. Tourism and hospitality work in Northern Australia and Remote and Very Remote Australia 

Visa subclass 417 holders may work or provide one or more of the following services:

  • Accommodation service, including:
    • Hotels, motels, bed and breakfast, and backpacker hostels;
    • Caravan parks and camping grounds;
    • Commercial housekeeping services;
    • Boarding house, guest houses and reception centres.
  • Food and beverage service, including:
    • Cafes and restaurants;
    • Takeaway food services;
    • Catering services;
    • Pubs, taverns and bars;
    • Hospitality clubs.
  • Services provided directly to tourists, including:
    • Tourist guides and operators;
    • Outdoor adventure or activity instructors;
    • Tourist transport service workers;
    • Gallery or museum workers, curators or guides;
    • Travel agency and tourist information workers;
    • Event and entertainment venue workers.

Bushfire recovery work in Bushfire affected area

3. Bushfire recovery work in Bushfire affected area

The specified works for Visa subclass 417 holders are:

  • Voluntary work;
  • Construction, farming or any other work in association with recovery or restitution of land, property, farm animals or wildlife;
  • Providing support services or assistance to people living, working or volunteering in the affected areas.

Critical Covid-19 work in the healthcare and medical sectors

4. Critical Covid-19 work in the healthcare and medical sectors

The specified works for Visa subclass 417 holders are:

  • Medical treatment, nursing, contact tracing, testing and research;
  • Support services such as cleaning of medical and health care facilities and equipment.

Read more: NSW Opens the State Nomination for 190 Visa and 491 Visa

Other Important Note for Visa subclass 417 Holders

Suppose you are a Visa subclass 417 holder and have carried out tourism and hospitality work since 22 June 2021 in Northern or Remote and Very Remote Australia, in that case, your work period will be considered as eligible specified work for a second or third Working Holiday (subclass 417) visa application lodged from 5 March 2022.

Meaning you may be eligible for a second or third Working Holiday Visa (subclass 417) if you work in the tourism and hospitality sector for the determined minimum period (3 months or 6 months).

Read more: Australian Government Lifts the Limitation of Working Hours for Student Visa Holders

What does it mean to you?

With the updated specified works and areas for Visa subclass 417, you will have more chances to work in broader employment.

In addition, it’s excellent news for those who have carried out work in the tourism and hospitality sector since 22 June 2021 because you will be able to claim your work experience to be counted as eligible specified work for your second or third Visa subclass 417 application.

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Are you Planning to Work while Enjoying Australia’s Beauty?

If you plan to work while having a holiday in Australia, Visa subclass 417 might be one of your best options!

We fully understand that applying for a visa to Australia is certainly very complicated. It is even more challenging during the COVID-19 pandemic. Our visa specialists at ONEderland Consulting will help you assess your visa options. We have a 98% success rate and are one of Australia’s most highly recommended migration agents. Read our 4.9* score customer reviews.

We are complex visa specialists. As registered Australian migration agents with the Migration Agents Registration Authority (MARA), we are regulated in our professional practice and bound by the profession’s Code of Conduct issued by the Migration Agents Registration Authority.

Take the first step and get in touch with us. Our team members are professional, honest and speak various languages such as Mandarin/ Chinese, Bahasa Indonesia, Arabic, Japanese, and Thai. Contact us through email at [email protected] or via phone on 1300 827 159. Alternatively, you may book your consultation online, and it is backed by our 100% Money Back Guarantee Program.

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