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What To Do If Visa Is Rejected – 2024 Successful Guideline


4 Things To Do if Your Australian Visa Application is Rejected

You were excited waiting for your Australian visa grant and were sure about it. Everything seems lovely and optimistic as you believe you have met all visa criteria and everything will go as planned. But, the nightmare came. Instead of a grant letter, you received an email stating that your Australian visa application is rejected. You began to ask yourself, what did you miss? What criteria did you fail to meet? Rest assured. A visa refusal is not a dead end. Here, our Principal Migration Agent, Indah Melindasari, has compiled what to do if your Australian visa is rejected.

Australian Visa Application Refusal - What Are Your Options and How to Appeal (2)

What to do if your Australian Visa application is rejected

Step 1: Understand why your visa application is rejected or refused

Generally, there are four common reasons for visa application to be rejected:

  • You didn’t meet the general requirements. You must pay attention to the general requirements such as age, English, finances, requirement to hold private insurance, character requirements, etc. Suppose you’re unsure whether you meet the requirements or not. In that case, it’s best to contact a Registered Migration Agent and do at least an initial consultation to avoid refusal.
  • You provided false information. This is the worst of all. Your visa might be cancelled or be banned from entering Australia for up to 3 years.
  • You lack ties to your home country. This commonly happens to Australian temporary visa applications. Ties here refer to your commitments in your home country, like employment, business, family, assets, etc.
  • You missed the deadline for providing the requested additional information. The Department of Home Affairs usually sends you a notification requesting further information or documents for the purpose of assessing your application. There will be deadlines for completing the requests. You must complete the deadlines to ensure your application is accepted.

It is important to understand the common reasons for a visa application refusal. In that way, you can decide on what to do next.

Example of a client’s refusal letter

example refusal letter

Do you have an Australia Visa Refused? Feel free to arrange a consultation with our registered migration agent, and we will discuss the best plan for you.

Step 2: Check if a review right is given or not

This is important as the information will lead you to lodge a new application or submit a review application to the Administrative Appeals Tribunal.

Note that not all refusal cases are given a review right, so check your refusal letter carefully. The following will apply according to the information stated in your refusal letter:

  1. There is No “Review Right” stated in your refusal letter. If this applies to you, submitting a new Australian visa application is the only option.
  2. There is a “Review Right” stated in your refusal letter. If this applies to you, you can submit a review application to the Administrative Appeals Tribunal, or else you can submit a new visa application.

Step 3: Submit a review of the visa refusal to AAT or Submit a new visa application

When your Australian visa application is rejected, you will have two options: submit a review for the decision to AAT or submit a new visa application. Which one is better? It depends on your circumstances. Here are a few points you have to consider before submitting a review to AAT or a new visa application:

  • Ensure that you’ve met the requirements for your visa application,
  • Ensure you’ve understood the reasons for your visa refusal,
  • Ensure that you have strong and compelling reasons to be granted an Australian visa,
  • Ensure you’ve submitted the correct visa subclass according to your migration plan.

If you decide to seek a review of the visa refusal to the Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAT):

Understand that not all refusal cases are subject to review at AAT. As mentioned above, you have to check whether the review right is stated in your refusal letter. Generally, refusal for offshore visa application will only be subject to review if a family member or an Australian business is sponsoring the applicant.

Then, you must understand that strict timelines apply. Usually, you will have around 21 to 35 days from the date you received the refusal to submit a review at AAT. You cannot ask for an extension; the review right will be dismissed if you fail to apply within the deadline.

The easiest way to submit a review application is through the AAT online portal. You can submit a review application to the AAT through the AAT Online Portal. Otherwise, you can submit your application by email (max 10MB attachments) or letter.

The processing time until the AAT finalises your case is between 664 – 1,715 days (22 – 57 months), and the application cost for appeal Australia visa rejected is AUD 3,496.

Note that AAT has no right to reverse your visa refusal immediately. The AAT will decide on the outcome of your review application based on the following decision:

  • Affirm the decision: the decision is not changed.
  • Vary the decision: the decision is changed.
  • Set aside the decision and substitute a new decision: the decision is replaced with a new decision.
  • Set aside and remit the decision: the matter is sent back to the decision-maker to make a new decision.

Read this article to get detailed and updated information: Australian Visa Refusal Appeal: Complete Guidance 2024

But, if you decide to submit a new visa application:

Be prepared for a more complex visa application process. You may need to prepare more documents to strengthen your new visa application. For example, suppose your visa was refused due to the lack of ties in your home country. In that case, you must prepare more documents to prove your incentive to return home before your visa expires.

Example of refusal letter based on lack of ties in the home country

Example of refusal letter based on lack of ties in home country

Besides, reviewing whether you’ve chosen the correct visa is best. Recheck your eligibility for the visa subclass to avoid the same result. Reread all requirements for your visa and ask yourself, “Do I meet this aspect?”

To make it easier for you, feel free to contact us and let us assess your case. We will guide you thoroughly with your new visa application, ensuring you won’t make the same mistake.

Step 4: Get a certified Australian immigration agent before reapplying or appeal

You may think appointing a registered migration agent is only a waste of money, but think again.

A registered migration agent has much experience handling visa applications, including those cases with a refusal history. A registered migration agent is also tied to a Code of Conduct, which requires transparency with clients. A registered migration agent will advise you in a transparent manner. They will inform you about what was missed on your first application, what you should do on your next application, or even whether you’re eligible for the visa you aim for.

At ONEderland Consulting, we will not let you spend any cents without value. We offer a personal consultation session with our Registered Migration Agent. Our consultation session is more than just a conversation. It’s a promise backed by a 100% refund guarantee if you’re unsatisfied with our service. We are proud to share that we have a 98% success rate and are experts in handling complex cases. So, don’t hesitate to reach out to us. We’ve got you covered.Book Your Consultation - 100% Money Back Guarantee 3

Don’t let your Australian Visa Application Be Rejected!

We’re here to guide you through what to do when your Australian visa application is rejected, whether to submit a new visa application or represent you at AAT. You’re not alone in this journey. Our visa specialists at ONE derland Consulting will help you decide the best options after your Australian visa has been refused. We have a 98% success rate and are one of Australia’s most highly recommended migration agents. Read our 4.9* score customer reviews.

We are complex visa specialists. As registered Australian migration agents with the Migration Agents Registration Authority (MARA), we are regulated in our professional practice and bound by the profession’s Code of Conduct issued by the MARA.

Our team speaks various languages, such as Mandarin/Chinese, Bahasa Indonesia, Arabic, Japanese, and Thai. Contact us through email at [email protected] or via phone at 1300 827 159. Alternatively, you may book your consultation online, and it is backed by our 100% Money Back Guarantee Program.

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DHA recommends for people who wants to obtain Australian visa seeks migration agent help for their visa application to reduces the risk of refusal. We are here ready to help you so you don’t waste your money, time and chances migrating to Australia.

“Massive thanks to all the team specially Indah and Jamie. My visa conditions was very complicated but they did a great job. Definitely one of the best.”

Maria Helen De Guzman

Bridging Visa E

Indah Melindasari MARN 0961 448

Indah Melindasari, B.Com

Lead Migration Agent - MARN 0961 448

1300 827 159

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Indah Melindasari Registered Migration Agent in Perth - Migration Agent Perth - ONEderland Consulting