




您是否打算申请访客签证? 或者,也许您想赞助某人获得访客签证? 您是否事先准备了声明函或邀请函? 下面,我们讨论了您需要添加到访客签证邀请函和声明函中的信息。

您还应注意,这仅是示例。 每个人的情况都不一样; 因此,您需要根据情况个性化您的信件。


  • 您的完整个人数据,例如全名,出生日期,护照号码,地址和电话号码。
  • 您打算访问澳大利亚,例如出于旅游目的或商业目的访问您的家人。
  • 您在澳大利亚的行程,例如您将在澳大利亚停留多长时间,您想去的地方,您想做什么活动,住宿的详细信息等。
  • 您回家的动机,例如您的直系亲属,工作,学习,资产等。
  • 您的证明文件,例如银行帐户,工资单,资产等,可为您提供住宿支持



Jakarta, 01 July 2019

Department of Home Affairs

Australian Embassy, Jakarta

Visitor Visa Section

RE: Letter in Support of My Visa Application for a Visitor visa (subclass 600)

Dear Case Officer,

I, Josephine Hartanto, am an Indonesian citizen living in Indonesia. My passport number is C123456. I am writing this letter based on my intention to travel to Sydney, Australia.

I intend to spend my holiday off work to travel to New South Wales to visit Sydney, the Opera House, the Animal Park and other places around for two weeks, starting from 22 July 2019 to 04 August 2019. During my short holiday in Sydney, I will be staying in different accommodations.

I will support myself during my vacation in Sydney. I have a stable job in Jakarta, Indonesia as the head of accounting in PT. Makmur Jaya, and I have been employed in this company since November 2014.

As the Head of Accounting, I am responsible for all financial administration in this company. As a hard-working employee, I sometimes feel worn out, and if it happens, I usually take my annual leave and go on a vacation. This year, I have applied for my annual leave and have been granted two weeks for my short holiday to Australia from 22 July 2019 to 04 August 2019. I have to return to work on 05 August 2019.

I plan to visit Sydney in Australia as to me, it is one of the most beautiful cities in the world. It is also very popular for tourists from Indonesia. Every time I hear about Australia, I think about the city of Sydney. So far, I have only seen Sydney and some of its iconic landmarks such as the Opera House on television, movies, et cetera. I want to witness it personally and take pictures as a memory of the places I visit. Also, I want to see kangaroos in real life. During my stay in Australia, I will stay in accommodations near places I want to visit such as Original Backpakers Sydney, which is 20 minutes away from the Sydney Opera House and 33 minutes away by foot from the Wildlife Sydney Zoo. I will book for my hotel stay and plane tickets as soon as I receive my visitor visa (600).

I am very close to my parents as they always take care of me since I was a child and encourage me to be someone who is not easily satisfied and who still work towards self-development. Now, my father has retired and together with my mother, he takes care of our oil palm plantation. Since I am the third child with five siblings, we usually take turns sending money to our parents. Besides my parents, I also have assets in the form of a land and a house.

I can guarantee that I am a genuine visitor and have no intention of overstaying my visa. I will make sure that I leave Australia before my visitor visa expires and I obey all of the conditions on my visitor visa. I have all of my family and friends in Indonesia whom I will return to. Besides that, I have to return to work on 05 August 2019. I have built my career for five years since 2014, and it is very unreasonable for me to overstay my visa and be irresponsible.

I will ensure that during my short stay in Australia that I obey all of my visa conditions and that I do not act in any way that could be harmful to the Australian nation. During my stay in Sydney, I will fully support myself financially for accommodation, food and transport. I have worked for my company for five years since November 2014 and worked on my current position since January 2017 with a monthly salary of IDR 9,450,344, and I have an amount of saving accumulated from my monthly salary. As a traveller, I always put aside some money from my monthly salary for funding my holidays. I will cover all necessary temporary living costs during my short holiday. To prove my capability in doing so, I have attached some supporting documents such as:

  • Bank statement which has an amount of IDR 110,753,467 or will be equivalent to AUD 11,000. Evidence of assets (land and house) under my name.
  • My payslips for March, April and May 2019, showing the amount of IDR 9,450,344.
  • My employment letter from my company showing the period of my service in the company since 2014.
  • My leave letter for two weeks from 22 July 2019 until 04 August 2019.
  • National ID Cards of my parents and other families.

All I have stated is true and sincere. If you have any questions or would like to know more about my intentions to travel to Sydney Australia, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Kind regards,

Josephine Hartanto

Address: Jalan Fatmawati, Cipete , Jakarta Selatan

Mobile number: +6285123456

Email address: [email protected]




  • 您的完整个人数据,例如全名,出生日期,护照号码,地址和电话号码。
  • 您打算访问澳大利亚,例如,出于旅游目的或商业目的访问您的赞助商。
  • 您与赞助商的关系。
  • 您在澳大利亚的行程,例如您将在澳大利亚停留多长时间,您想去的地方,您想做什么活动,住宿的详细信息等。
  • 您回家的动机,例如您的直系亲属,工作,学习,资产等。

如果您有赞助商,则可以提供访客签证声明信的示例。 在这种情况下,您的赞助商就是您的伴侣


18 January 2020

Department of Home Affairs

Australian Embassy, India
Visitor Visa Section

RE: Letter in Support of My Visa Application for a Visitor visa (subclass 600) for India

Dear Case Officer,

I, Anika Kapoor of India, am writing this letter based on my intention to travel to Perth where my partner, Peter Beckmand (Peter) lives. My passport number is S123456.

I intend to travel to Perth to visit the home of my partner, Peter Beckmand to experience his lifestyle, learn about his heritage and meet with his family and friends. I want to finally be able to meet his family and friends in person. I have already spoken to some of his family and I am excited about being able to meet these people in person.

I met Peter in June 2017 through a dating website. We met on a dating website and have been continuing our chat by Phone, Email as well as Whatsapp. Through spending so much time talking, we were able to develop our relationship further on every occasion we spoke on the phone. I found Peter to be a charming, humorous and caring person with my best interests at his heart. He was straightforward to establish a conversation with and from the very first chat, I was always comfortable sharing my life stories with him.

We have been talking every day about everything; life, work, kids and catching up with one another. My partner Peter always gives support and helps us in many situations. He also gives me strength, encouragement and the desire to deal with every challenge. I find that with Peter beside me and supporting me, I find new strength within myself. I am more confident in my personal life, and my work has been enhanced with this newfound confidence, strength and much brighter and happier future.

Peter and I have committed to a serious relationship and haven’t been happier since. Our relationship is solid, and even though Peter and I have our residences permanently apart, I feel as though I have known him my whole life. As we have committed to each other, we agreed to bring this relationship to the next level. We got married on 20 December 2019.

My family believes in Peter and his intentions. They have heard about the way he makes me happy and the way he treats me. They have accepted our relationship and trust Peter to take care of me while I am on holiday in Australia and they are so happy that I have met someone who can allow me to travel and see different places.

I have been lucky to have a person like Peter in my life. I have done my best to show him the things I love about my home here in India. Peter is very excited to show me the things that he loves about his home in Perth and I am very excited to learn about Perth and experience it. I consider myself so lucky to travel to Perth and I will be able to return to India to tell of my adventures. I cherish the opportunities that Peter has made available for me and our love continues to grow stronger every day.

I will make sure that I leave Australia before my Visitor visa expires and that I obey all of the conditions on my Visitor visa.

I still have my full-time employment in India in the position for an Operational Manager in one of the logistic companies. I have been working with this company since Dec 2014. My roles include being a Sales Consultant and also managing all the employees, etc. Having these responsibilities in India, I won’t want to stay long term in Australia. I intend to continue with my current employment once my holiday is over.

I am planning to go to Australia from 10 March 2020 to 24 March 2020 and I am planning to visit some places like Kings Park, Perth Zoo, etc.

I have my friends and family who are waiting for me to come back after my trip to Australia. With all that I have back in India, it would be hard for me to leave them behind. I guarantee 100% that I will go back to India after my short holiday.

My partner will be fully supporting my trip by providing accommodation, food, transportation, and ensuring I get to meet and enjoy the company of his family and friends. I have all of my family, and friends in India, to whom I will return to after my short holiday in Australia.

I cannot live without my partner and we will do whatever it takes for us to be legally together in Australia. I can guarantee that I am a genuine Visitor and will not do anything to jeopardise our future plans of applying for another visa application as this is the only way we are able to be together one day.

We both know that if I overstay a visa in Australia that I may face up to a 3-year ban and this is not an option for either of us.

Thank you kindly for reading my letter. All I have stated is true and sincere. If you have any questions or would like to know more about our relationship and/or my intentions to travel to Perth, please contact me.

Kind regards,

Anika Kapoor

Address : 24, Bidhan Sarani, India

Phone : +91-123456

Email : [email protected]



  • 您的完整个人数据,例如全名,出生日期,护照号码,地址和电话号码。
  • 您打算邀请申请人访问澳大利亚
  • 您与申请人的关系。
  • 申请人在澳大利亚逗留期间的行程,例如他们将在澳大利亚停留多长时间,您想与申请人一起去的地方,您想做哪些活动,住宿的详细信息等。
  • 申请人返回家园的动机,例如直系亲属,工作,学习,资产等。
  • 您的文件证明您可以支持申请人。

访客签证邀请函示例。 在这种情况下,您是申请人的担保人


September 12, 2018

Department of Home Affairs

Australian Embassy
Visitor Visa Section

RE: Letter in Support of my Partner, Elizabeth Clarkson and the Application for a Visitor visa (subclass 600)

Dear Case Officer,

I am writing this letter in support of the application for Visitor (subclass 600) visa being made by my partner, Elizabeth Clarkson of the Philippines.

I first met Elizabeth in February this year in the Philippines. We met through a friend who knew her and he believed that she is the perfect match for me, as I was going through a rough moment. So we met at a coffee shop, we shared stories, and from that day, I could feel the connection. I feel like she understood what I had been through. We continued to communicate with each other and see each other in the last two weeks of my time in the Philippines. I was so grateful to have that time and made the most out of it. I found this was the opportunity to know her. We went out for movies, coffees, sightseeing etc. That period of time also gave me a chance to get to know her family. She has a twin and her twin sister is living in the USA and has two beautiful children. She has an older brother and her mum is living with her at home.

In April, I decided to make a surprise visit travelling to the Philippines unannounced. I wasn’t sure what her reaction would be. I was watching her, and as soon as she saw me, she was shocked but happy I supposed. Then I spent the evening with her; meeting her mum and her brother and everyone was very kind and welcomed me into her family.

Since I visited her and the family, we have committed to a serious relationship and haven’t looked back since. I am more confident that she is the right woman for me. We continue to communicate with each other via SMS, Voice and Video call. We talk to each other every day; sharing our daily activities and telling jokes. There was a time where I sent her a poem to tell her my feeling about her.

My primary reason for inviting Elizabeth to visit Australia is, so I am able to show her more of my lifestyle. During my time in the Philippines, Elizabeth has kindly shown me around town, her lifestyle and tradition which I have been so curious and interested in. Therefore it is important for me to be able to return the favour to her and demonstrate to her my ways of life.

My plan is, whilst she is here in Melbourne, I will take her around to Great Ocean Road, Mt Dandenong and Phillip Island and if the weather permits to take her to Mt Buller to experience snow. Besides that, I will take her to taste a variety of cuisines Melbourne has to offer. I will also take her to Footscray to taste the traditional Vietnamese Pho, not to forget also the DFO (Essendon or South Wharf) where she can enjoy all the shopping at a fraction of cost.

I also understand that she had been travelling overseas in the past, either for work or personal leisure. I knew she recently went to Japan for work for five days. She also spent a few months in India for study and weeks in Europe a few years ago.

I’ve made a firm decision that I’m ready to commit my life to Elizabeth I will ensure that during her stay that she obeys all of her visa conditions and that she does not act in any way that could be harmful to the Australian nation and the community that I live in. I can guarantee that Elizabeth will not overstay or disobey her visa conditions as we would not do anything that would jeopardise any future visa applications.

I will make sure that she leaves Australia before her Visitor visa expires and that she obeys all of the conditions on her Visitor visa. Elizabeth is my whole life which is why I can guarantee that she is a genuine visitor and will not do anything to jeopardise any future visa applications.

Elizabeth has all of her family and friends in the Philippines to return to after her short holiday in Australia. She will be so excited to return home after her short holiday to tell of all her experiences and stories.

We both understand that if she overstays her visa that she will face a three-year ban and this is not an option for either of us.

During her stay in Australia, I will fully support Elizabeth financially by providing her with accommodation, food and transport. I will cover all necessary temporary living costs during her holiday. To prove my capability in doing so, I have attached some supporting documents such as:

  • My recent bank statements;
  • My payslips and tax assessment;
  • Statutory declarations;
  • Bills (electricity, etc.) to prove my residence.

Thank you for taking the time to read my letter. If you have any questions or would like to discuss my relationship with Elizabeth further and my willingness to support her short holiday to Australia, please do not hesitate to contact me on my mobile phone or send me an email.


Samuel Holt

Address: 45 Marquands Rd, Truganina, 3029 VIC

Mobile number: 04123456

Email address: [email protected]


我们知道,由于COVID-19大流行,向澳大利亚申请签证当然非常复杂。 ONE derland Consulting的签证专家将帮助您评估签证选择。我们的成功率达到98%,是澳大利亚最推荐的移民代理之一。阅读我们近乎完美的客户评论。


迈出第一步并与我们联系。我们的移民代理人专业,诚实,我们的团队成员能够说多种语言,例如普通话/中文,印度尼西亚语,阿拉伯语,日语,波兰语,德语和俄语。通过电子邮件发送至[email protected],或通过电话1300 827 159与我们联系。或者,您可以在我们的在线咨询处预订您的住所,如果您成为我们的客户,则可退款100%。



DHA 建议想要获得澳大利亚签证的人寻求移民代理帮助他们的签证申请,以降低被拒绝的风险。 我们随时准备为您提供帮助,以免您浪费金钱、时间和移民澳大利亚的机会。

“非常感谢所有团队,特别是 Indah 和 Jamie。 我的签证条件非常复杂,但他们做得很好。 绝对是最好的之一。”

Maria Helen De Guzman


Indah Melindasari MARN 0961 448

Indah Melindasari, B.Com

Lead Migration Agent - MARN 0961 448

1300 827 159

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