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Moving to Australia with Partner – Visa Options and Details


Moving to Australia with Your Partner – Visa Options and Details of the Process

Moving to Australia to join your Australian partner can provide infinite chances and experiences that will enrich your life in countless ways. Australia has a fantastic culture, natural beauty, and a thriving economy, which benefit you and your relationship. You will need a proper visa to move to Australia; in this case, a partner visa is the most appropriate one. We understand many Partner Visa options are available, which might confuse you. Rest assured, we are here to provide comprehensive details of all Partner visa options and ten reasons why you should move to Australia with your partner!

10 Reasons for Moving to Australia with Your Partner

Natural Beauty

From the iconic Sydney Opera House to the magnificent Great Barrier Reef, Australia is home to some of the world’s most beautiful natural settings. Imagine lounging on immaculate beaches or venturing out into the vast outback together. What a great dating idea!

Diverse Culture

Australia is a vibrant melting pot of cultures, offering a rich tapestry of foods, festivals, and traditions. Immersing yourself in this diverse environment allows you to expand your worldview and knowledge and grow as an individual. The prospect of these new experiences, shared with your loved one, is truly inspiring.

High Life Quality

Australia constantly rates among the world’s best nations in terms of quality of life. With first-rate infrastructure, healthcare, and education, you can relax knowing that you and your partner will have access to first-rate facilities and services.

Strong Economy

Australia’s strong economy offers many chances for financial security and professional advancement. It also provides a vibrant business climate full of opportunities, whether you’re looking for new career opportunities or entrepreneurial endeavours. So you don’t need to worry about fulfilling your daily needs!

Outdoor Lifestyle

Australians are well known for their love of the great outdoors, where many different outdoor activities exist, such as hiking, camping, surfing, and snorkelling. If you and your partner adopt this outdoor lifestyle, you may lead healthier, more active lives.

Warm Climate

Australia’s primarily warm temperature makes it a great place to visit for people who like a happier mood all year round. It provides lots of sunshine and moderate winters in many areas.

Robust Sense of Community 

Australians are known for their amiable and easygoing nature, cultivating a robust sense of community everywhere. Your neighbours and fellow Australians will be friendly and welcoming, fostering a supportive atmosphere for you and your partner.

Adventures Await

Australia is brimming with experiences waiting to be had, from discovering the ancient treasures of Aboriginal culture to encountering unusual species like kangaroos and koalas. There may be something exciting and new to uncover every day. Nothing will ever bore you again!

Family-Friendly Environment

With top-notch parks, schools, and recreational opportunities for kids of all ages, Australia provides a secure and welcoming atmosphere for those looking to establish a family or who already have one. Also, Australia is known for its safety so you can live confidently in Australia with your little family!

A Strong Relationship

Last but not least, moving to Australia together might strengthen your relationship. By taking on new challenges and adventures together, you can grow closer and make enduring memories you’ll treasure forever.

Read more: Is Migrating to Australia Still Worth It in 2024?

Partner Visa Options to Move to Australia

Partner Visa Options to Move to Australia

Move to the most essential information: the Partner Visa options to move to Australia with your loved ones! There are three different types of Partner Visa available: onshore Partner Visa (subclass 820/801), offshore Partner Visa (subclass 309/100) and Prospective Marriage Visa (subclass 300). Note that to be eligible for one of these Partner Visa options, you must:

  • Married or in a de facto relationship with an Australian citizen, Australian permanent resident or an eligible New Zealand citizen (for onshore and offshore Partner Visa),
  • Be engaged to marriage with an Australian citizen, Australian permanent resident or an eligible New Zealand citizen (for Prospective Marriage Visa),
  • Be at least 18 years old,
  • Be in a genuine and continuing relationship with your partner,
  • Commit to living together with your partner to the exclusion of all others.

So, among the three available Partner Visa options, which one would suit you? Look at the comprehensive details below to choose the best Partner Visa options!

Onshore Partner Visa Options (subclass 820/801)

If you can no longer bear the long-distance relationship, consider the onshore Partner Visa options (subclass 820/801) to move to Australia! The onshore Partner visa (subclass 820/801 is the belle of all visa partner options. The onshore Partner Visa provides you with convenience and comfort in numerous ways, such as:

  • Immediate ends to the long-distance relationship
  • Chances to work and study in Australia while living a happy life with your partner
  • Opportunity to enroll in Medicare while still on a Bridging Visa

The processes for obtaining the onshore Partner Visa (subclass 820/801) are as follows:

  1. Get onshore with a temporary visa, such as a Visitor or Working Holiday Visa. Ensure the temporary visa does not have the 8503 condition—No Further Stay.
  2. Gather all required documents for the onshore Partner Visa (subclass 820/801) application. You can use our comprehensive document checklist as guidance.
  3. Submit the onshore Partner Visa (subclass 820/801) application before your temporary visa expires. Pay close attention to the expiry date!
  4. After the onshore Partner Visa application lodgment, you will get a Bridging Visa A. The Bridging Visa A will become active once your temporary visa expires. The Bridging Visa A allows you to live, work and study legally in Australia.
  5. Wait for the approval of your onshore Partner Visa (subclass 820/801) application. Generally, you will be granted a temporary onshore Partner Visa (subclass 820) first. If you’re lucky, you can get both temporary and permanent Partner visas at the same time.

Read more: Convert Visitor Visa to Partner Visa in 2024 with 7 Easy Steps

Offshore Partner Visa Option (subclass 309/100)

The offshore Partner Visa (subclass 309/100) can be your best option if you find living in your home country will ease you in many ways, including saving your finances. However, it’s important to note that you must wait a considerable time to move to Australia and begin a new life with your partner. The processing time of offshore Partner Visa applications may take up to one year, so it’s crucial to consider this waiting period in your decision-making process.

But can I visit my partner while awaiting approval for my offshore partner visa?

Yes, you can visit your partner while waiting for your offshore Partner Visa approval. You can visit your partner in Australia on a Visitor Visa, enabling you to stay there for up to three months. But ensure you’ve met all requirements and show the Department that you don’t intend to live further in Australia.

Prospective Marriage Visa Option (subclass 300)

Moving to Australia while still being engaged with your prospective spouse is possible. So, suppose you’re not married or in a de facto relationship with your partner but are engaged in marriage. In that case, the Prospective Marriage Visa (subclass 300) is your definite answer! The Prospective Marriage Visa (subclass 300) allows you to come to Australia and marry your partner within the visa validity period (usually around 9 to 15 months).

Once you marry your partner, you can continue your journey to permanent residency by applying for the onshore Partner Visa (subclass 820/801).

Read more: Important Information: Next Steps After Getting Married on a Prospective Marriage Visa

I need assistance in moving to Australia to join my partner!

Preparing everything yourself to move to Australia and join your partner can be terrifying! Don’t worry—ONEderland Consulting is a qualified migration agent ready to assist you in moving to Australia to join your partner, having over ten years of experience in the field! To ensure a smooth migration procedure, we’ll do the following:

  • Professional counsel: We offer professional help throughout the immigration process by providing information on qualifying requirements, alternative visas, and the general immigration environment.
  • Tailored Solutions: We’ll ensure you get individualised guidance and assistance by customising migration plans to your unique needs and circumstances.
  • Assistance with Applying for Visas: We guarantee legal compliance and correctness in every step of the visa application procedure, from filling out application forms to locating supporting documentation. Applications for partner visas might be challenging.
  • Handling Complexities: Immigration laws and rules are frequently intricate and dynamic. We ensure you understand your responsibilities and rights and keep you informed of any new developments to assist you in navigating these complications.
  • Making the Most of Your Achievement: Because of our thorough understanding of visa requirements and assessment criteria, we increase the possibility of visa acceptance by presenting applications in the best possible light and taking proactive measures to address potential obstacles.

In addition, we might discuss all of your immigration alternatives during a private consultation before beginning your migration process:

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We’re here to help you.

Moving to Australia is undoubtedly very complex, but our visa specialists at ONE derland Consulting will help you assess your visa options. We have a 98% success rate and one of the most highly recommended migration agents in Australia. Read our 4.9* score customer reviews.

We are complex visa specialists. As registered Australian migration agents with the Migration Agents Registration Authority (MARA), we are regulated in our professional practice and bound by the profession’s Code of Conduct issued by the MARA.

Take the first step and get in touch with us. Our team members are professional and honest and speak various languages, such as Mandarin/ Chinese, Bahasa Indonesia, Arabic, Japanese, and Thai. Contact us through email at [email protected] or via phone at 1300 827 159. Alternatively, you may book your consultation online, which is 100% refundable if you become our client.

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DHA recommends for people who wants to obtain Australian visa seeks migration agent help for their visa application to reduces the risk of refusal. We are here ready to help you so you don’t waste your money, time and chances migrating to Australia.

“Massive thanks to all the team specially Indah and Jamie. My visa conditions was very complicated but they did a great job. Definitely one of the best.”

Maria Helen De Guzman

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Indah Melindasari MARN 0961 448

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Lead Migration Agent - MARN 0961 448

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